Each year, the Kallol Magazine celebrates the creativity and talents of our members. We aim to continue this cherished tradition, fostering a vibrant and beautiful medium of communication with all of you.


We welcome submissions in the form of short stories, poems, articles on literature, history, and the arts, travelogues, drawings, sketches, or paintings. Share your experiences of Pujo or life in general through any medium—on paper or PDF. Submissions are accepted in Bengali, English, Hindi, or Dutch. Please keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Limit your article to a maximum of 2 A4 pages.
  • Ensure your work is ORIGINAL. If adapting an idea, provide proper acknowledgement.
  • The editor’s decision on publication will be final.

Please send your submissions to: communications@kallol.nl.

Submissions are now closed.




Kallol Sharodiya Magazine 2023






Magazine Pre-order for PRINTED COPIES

We are grateful for the overwhelming response received to the call for magazine contributions. In addition, many of you expressed an interest in pre-ordering printed copies of the magazine. We are piloting a magazine pre-order purchase process this year.

Please note this will be a limited print run of only 50 copies.

We request you to place an order using the below form and online payment system.

Please email us communications@kallol.nl if you have any questions.


Kallol Sharodiya 2024 Magazine
€ 10,00
